HD Online Player (Wonder Woman English Movie With Eng )
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there's a fair amount of sex and some simulated sex depicted in the film. the male characters (referred to as "the human male" in the credits) spend a lot of time dressed in tuxedos and top hats, doing things like kissing and simulating sexual positions. one fight sequence involves one male character pulling the pants of another, briefly exposing the buttocks, before throwing him to the ground. there's also some innuendo a character tells another "you have cologne. it smells so good" when he first appears, and one character is seen to be aroused after a kiss, but there's also a reference to "his" erection, and a character says that "you're attractive enough to have your own special effects." there's a little talk about reproduction, with one character saying "a baby?" "well, it's sort of like that," and another character commenting that "god is a woman." but this is quickly followed by a scene in which a couple are shown to be having sex, and another in which a woman is seen to be performing oral sex on a male character.
after the events of the first season, diana is alone in the world. wonder woman is dead, diana is in therapy and diana is in the army. she is by no means alone, though, as in her first encounter with steve trevor, she was helped by a team of american soldiers. she is now a member of the us army and is helping to save the world from a mutual enemy.
since he killed her husband, ares has been trying to get his revenge on her and has been killing her friends. when they were young, diana and hippolyta were captured by the amazon princesses. she is the daughter of zeus, the king of the gods. ares has been controlling them and trying to control diana, turning everyone against her. the battle ended with the death of diana's sister, artemis. ares had also castrated hippolyta and turned her into a monster. diana is now the strongest of the amazons and she is a danger to all, as well as being the only woman on the planet. 3d9ccd7d82